Public API for
GPS providers


ALCS has public API for receiving trucks GPS data from GPS providers.

In order to provide GPS data to ALCS system, GPS provider has two options:

Submit data to ALCS service.

Implement GPS providing service using ALCS API specifications so ALCS system could request GPS provider for required data.

Services are protected. In order to submit or provide data, both parties must provide authentication credentials.

API services are implemented as REST web services. POST method must be used by GPS provider for submit data to ALCS. GET method must be implemented by GPS provider to allow ALCS request GPS data.

Network Security Icon

Network security

All network communication conducted using HTTPS (TLS/SSL).


API uses access token (API key) for authentication.

Access token (API key)

Party that accepts request provide counterparty with access token. The method for generation access token may vary and depends on service provider.

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ALCS uses such approach for generation access token:

  1. One provider can have more than one access token in a time.
  2. Access token is unique across the whole system.
  3. Provider may request new access token.
  4. Access token is used both for identification and authentication.


Party providing data is responsible for proper caller authorization, it means that only data that the caller has privilege to access, will be provided upon request.